Change Your Words, Get More Clients
Oct 22, 2022Read time: 4 minutes
Today I'm going to show you how you can get more clients by making small changes to the words you use.
There's people that are looking at your content or checking out your webpage right now that aren't taking the next steps because you're using the wrong words when talking about what you do and how you can help them. If you make these changes, you'll not only get to help more people without doing any additional work, clients will be happy to pay you higher fees for your services.
Unfortunately, many coaches get this wrong because:
- They get all caught up in coachy coach lingo .
- They're trying to serve too broad of an audience.
- They don't understand what they are actually selling.
I'm going to show you exactly how you can overcome these so the words you use attract both more and higher paying clients.
Stop Using BS Coachy Buzzwords
These coachy buzzwords sound nice to you and your coach friends but they don't mean squat to the average person struggling.
I get it.
You have a big heart.
You care about people.
You want to alleviate pain.
You don't want to make people feel worse by bringing up what's hurting them. But think about what got you to take meaningful and lasting action when you've been stuck.
....Did you leave that bad relationship because you wanted to "live your best life" or because you finally said ENOUGH of feeling miserable because you were being treated like crap.
....Did you quit that job you had been complaining about for years because you wanted to "level up your career" or because you decided you were DONE with feeling depressed under your micromanaging boss?
....Did you finally get help with growing your business because you wanted to "fulfill your potential" or because you couldn't bare the idea of going back to a full-time job?
If you want your words to connect with people and help them take action, you have to talk about their struggles, and do it in the words they use.
Intentionally Focus on Serving a Specific Group
It's hard to know the words your Dream Clients use if you haven't specifically defined who you are serving.
So many get this wrong because they're either worried about getting too narrowly focused, or because their area of focus is simply not narrow enough. Let's imagine that you're a sales coach and you help people become better at sales.
Think about how different the challenges and needs are for someone who is a sales leader in a SaaS tech company vs someone in a retail sales manager role.
In one scenario, their clients signup online. They can also have hundreds of people becoming a client at the exact same time and they never see their clients in-person.
In the other, much of the selling is done face to face with clients walking into the store. Their sales can be ruined by bad weather. Plus, the number of clients they can serve at once is limited by the amount of people working.
Both are in sales, but their worlds are drastically different.
Even the words they use for clients are different. That tech leader in SaaS calls their clients "users", while the retail sales manager calls their clients "customers".
Can you imagine talking to a sales manager of a pet store store about how you can help them "get more users"? 😂
When you're not using the right words you sound like and feel like an outsider.
Nuances matter.
If you want to get clear on who your Dream Clients are, check out my guide on how to find an aligned and profitable niche that you're excited to serve.
Understand What You're ACTUALLY Selling
Once you drop the coachy coach lingo, get clear on who you're serving, and start speaking the language of your Dream Clients, you're almost there. Now you just need to make sure you know what you're actually selling. Get this right and you'll not only get to help more people, you'll be able to charge higher rates for what you do.
Let's pretend for a moment that you're a career coach....
Are you selling resume reviews, LinkedIn profile refreshes, and interview skills? If you position yourself this way, you'll attract high-maintenance clients who are looking for the cheapest price.
Aka pain in the ass clients.
So what should you be selling? What people are actually after: the results. Feeling so confident in interviews that they look forward to them, having such a strong LinkedIn profile and presence that recruiters reach out to them with exciting opportunities, landing a dream job, or promotion, with a much higher salary.
People see those big juicy results as way more valuable than the commodity skill of updating a resume. And they'll pay you accordingly.
The same approach applies no matter what you do:
- You're not selling "financial advice", you're selling security and selling peace of mind.
- You're not selling "fitness and nutrition", you're selling confidence.
- You're not selling "better team communication", you're selling higher employee engagement, lower staff turnover, and happier clients (which all lead to higher sales).
Now go change the words you use so you can help more people and have more impact.
When you're ready, here's two ways I can help you:
1. Inquire to work with me 1:1 here.
2. Get my best-selling book, Die Before They Do, here.
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